How can onions and coronavirus mix in your daily life? Eating onions can help build immunity to guard against getting sick.
Onions — Nature’s Ninja — are packed with nutrition that not only help the body fend off heart conditions, disease, and cancers, but they can help maintain a healthy gut. Onions are particularly rich in prebiotics, which help increase the number of friendly bacteria in your gut to build immunity from viruses such as COVID-19.
Many studies have linked onion consumption with increased immunity, but the strain COVID-19 is so new that there have been no studies specific to onions and coronavirus. Read our onion expert’s statement on onions and coronavirus.
Download the Nature’s Ninja Playbook for onion resources and recipes
Denver Nutritionist Cathy Schmelter advocates “food instead of medicine,” and says onions will help your body fend off viruses by keeping it healthy. Research has shown that the nutrients in onions may strengthen gut health, boost immunity, reduce inflammation and enhance digestion. She states onions’ antibacterial and antiviral properties help boost the immunity system to keep viruses fro spreading throughout the body. Read more about onion health properties here
Of course nutrition alone won’t be the sole protectant. You still need to exhibit proper precautions, such as those from the Centers for Disease Control.
It is almost impossible to avoid contracting germs from others, but having proper nutrition can help your body’s immunity. The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies at Cornell University provides a helpful guide to nutrition and the flu. Read more here